05 October 2003

Finally, before I hit the sack, what's going on with all these bloggers fucking my head up, evoking the spirit of childhood obsessions - Dr Who, Sapphire & Steel, The Tripods (holy fucking shit, dudes - it's all too much). So a quick shout out to my homies: The Tomorrow People, Blakes 7, Children Of The Stones, Trillions (novel by Nicholas Fisk), Marvel Comics (esp. Captain America, The Might Avengers and the Defenders), Look-In magazine, 2000 A.D., Six Million Dollar Man, Planet Of The Apes (both live & animated series), Star Trek (again, including animated series), Cyborg & Muton (toys), stereo systems that looked like sideboards...

Okay, hopfully that's all the childhood nostalgia shit outta my system. Normal service will be resumed...